'The Manifesto' Cover Art by, Winky Age 13



The Manifesto is a course which focuses on multi-media art as a tool for self-expression and exploring the notion; who am I and why am I. This workshop encourages students to dive into critical thinking, tackling self- perceptions, that of the other and the beginning phases of dream manifestation. 

"The Manifesto is all about you. I am bringing this process to my students because I want to share my own understanding of how best to make dreams come true and I want them all to really over-stand that anything is possible with determination and believing in yourself and your vision."  

SoulCity Movement is asking students to articulate their character; their struggle and their liberation; their dreams and their aspirations. All to be expressed artistically through a variety of assignments that will be presented in the form of a personalized LP record album - or in this case, their Manifesto. The contents of the LP include a written manifesto, a soundtrack to life, 3 wanted posters and an archive of creative writing and photography created throughout the course. Students will dive into learning multi media art skills including: writing, graphic design, photoshop, printing, draw/paint, photography and music compilation.

The Manifesto emphasizes the importance of asking questions to begin exploring who you are and what you stand for. Students are encouraged to seek a life that means something to them. If ones life holds meaning to them, it will inevitably mean something to others. Doing what you love means following your heart. Following your heart is manifesting your destiny; at which point the whole universe conspires to help you achieve your goals, to fulfill your purpose- to answer your call to action.